Taking Offense with Zane Lamprey- Pt. 1, Ep. 2

Episode 2 November 02, 2022 00:31:06
Taking Offense with Zane Lamprey- Pt. 1, Ep. 2
The Recombobulator Lab
Taking Offense with Zane Lamprey- Pt. 1, Ep. 2

Nov 02 2022 | 00:31:06


Hosted By

Jason Graham-Nye Chris Dominic

Show Notes

Jason is third party offended by a frozen pizza raising some questions with Chris about the nature of offense and how it relates to comedy. Is offense a key part of comedy? Is targeting certain demographics just a bit of fun, or is it part of a bigger problem in society? What about targeting WASPs? Is that ok? 

Zane Lamprey- also known as the Anothony Bourdain of drinking- joins The Recombobulator Lab to help tease this out. Together they try to identify 'the line' in part 1 of this 2 part episode and better understand the idea of taking offense. 

After such a fun episode in season 1 with Zane, Chris and Jason couldn't wait to get him back on for season 2 to talk about the hot topic of taking offense. Since they spoke last Zane has been doing a stand-up tour around breweries in the US. He also did a show at a weed farm. It was a shareholders night with a difference. Everyone was h1gh and Zane had to figure out the audience dynamic a little differently to how he usually does.

Zane addresses a question that is on a lot of people's minds about being a comedian on tour. How on earth do they stay in shape while drinking at every show? Alcohol and comedy go hand in hand almost as well as comedy and offense. So what is Zane's secret and how does he stay such an 'attractive man' to quote Jason?

The topic of offense is on the tip of everyone's tongues in interviews with comedians, according to Zane. The way he sees it the landscape is always changing. Comedians are consistently setting and moving the bar. That's how comedy works. the problem now is that there's video. Things that were ok to say 10 years ago can be shown again now and ruin someone's life. The job of a comedian is to push the envelope and ride the edge but the edge is always moving.

Zane thinks that some people deliberately keep things up their sleeves as ammunition and use it at a time that will really hurt someone's career or life.

This is part 1 of a 2 part episode. In episode 2 Chris and Jason will talk about Ricky Gervais' view on taking offense and hear more of Zane's stories.

For more about Zane Lamprey see https://zanelamprey.com/


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Episode Transcript

Recombobulator Lab with Jason Graham and Chris Dominic. Right. You had a frozen pizza. You had a frozen pizza. What? It's such a powerplay. I'm in the middle of a sentence and you just hit Well, I'm recording. Bang. And I'm like, Ugh. That's right. Um, that's right, that's right. You're, well, you're gonna tell a story about a frozen pizza. I had a pizza last night from De Jona or something and um Oh yeah. An Italian pizza. That's really, that's, that's very dignified . And I felt, I felt microagressed against or offended. Not for me, cuz I'm not Italian, but for my Italian brother. You mm-hmm. . So that's an example of being third party offended, which is exhausting. Yeah. It third party offense is, is exhausting. I would agree. And it's, uh, it's the subject of what we're going to be talking about for two episodes. Mm-hmm. , because we're gonna start with a little chat and then we're gonna move on to standup comedian Zane Lampry, Uh, two other people. He may be known as the Anthony Bourdain of drinking. Uh, really amazing. And we've had on the show before last year, and he's gonna rejoin us. But in the meantime, I wanted to ask you about this because we're talking about comedy, we're talking about taking offense and what are the boundaries of all that. And I just wanted to ask you, when you were, when was the first time you noticed that somebody could be funny and offensive? , but like you still thought it was funny. Well, it's interesting. Couldn't offend you. Well, it's interesting because there's that minute in a joke when you hear a joke and you laugh, and then you think for two more seconds you're like, Oh, if I was, Yeah. The person they're talking about, whether it's a race or a gender, it's like, Oh, I shouldn't have laughed. Certainly in the demographic space it can get a little weird, but often, you know, it seems like a lot of comedy. is about, you know, playing off of what our attitudes and and ideas are about certain types of things. Yeah. And it, it, I mean, when I was growing up, I, Well, I didn't get your answer, but I, so I'm just gonna go , uh, when I, when I, uh, you can fight for airtime, when, when. was young. Uh, George Carlin's, seven things you can't say on television came out. Oh, and I was pretty young and I thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever heard because mostly just because I could just watch, you know, little conservative. Older people like putting their face over their mouth going, Oh my gosh, I can't believe he's saying that. Now. Of course the joke is, these are the things you can't say on television. Right. Which is, But he's saying . I mean, and back then, you know, if you were a really good standup comedian, you could, you could make a lot of money putting out record albums. Uh, I don't know if people remember this, but like my parents had like Bill Cosby albums. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They had, uh, uh, um, later on, like in the eighties. Uh, did you, did you guys do this in Australia? I remember going to see Eddie Murphy's Rock Yes. Movie that was, which is just a movie about him on stage. That was the best. Wasn't it? Funny, Best thing. Uh, that was brilliant. I mean, I know people who saw that multiple times. Oh yeah. It was the funniest thing. Monty Python, Monte Python had records you could buy. I think I wrote learnt. That's, I, I had a, my Python record. I think the life of Brian is deep in the brain. Like I think if the Alzheimer's gets me, the last thing that I'm gonna remember is every line from he's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy. Anyway, have I offended the Christian? Have I offended Christian people yet? I think isn't that the one with every sperm is secret? Yes. See, this is a good example. Yeah. That's that's a, that's an amazing movie. I, I, I had a lot of holy grail taught when I was young. So good. That was, yeah, that was, Yeah. But, but let's dive into that for a second. You're a practicing, I, I would suggest you should practice more, uh, Catholic. Um, I am a full and Protestant . I, I'm a, I'm an un practicing, I'm an un practicing Catholic. Let's get. Uh, I, I, I have, I am ca I'm culturally Catholic, but I am not a practicing Catholic. This is what we call in the world a wiggle word. . I'm culturally Well, no, it's, I mean, I, I'm just saying if you grow up a, around the Catholic attitudes and Catholic people, you start, you start to, uh, note, you start to notice. , there are differences in the cultures between people who grew up around Catholicism, people who grew up around Judaism, and people who grew up as wasps. Mm-hmm. , there, there's, they're, they're different. You know? That's true. It's not, it's not super different, but there are differences and you can feel 'em sometimes. It's funny, I just felt offended. Didly. Yeah. When is it be? Is it because, Well, so that's great because one of the things I was dying to ask you is what makes you offended? Is it because I is Because you're being lumped into the WASP category. I had never realized, this is so terrible, how dumb I am. It's like wasp white Anglo Saxon Protestant, Right? White Anglos Saxon protest's, what it means, and someone's saying, That's such a waspy car to drive. Or that's a waspy restaurant. Yeah. Anyway, and so it's funny that Catholic, when you see that sentence up, Catholics sound, . That sounds cool. Um, our Jewish friends. Mm-hmm. The way you said J that's pretty cool. And then waspy, it sounded like a pejorative, like, Oh, interesting. So now I feel mm-hmm. . Um, and, and what's interesting is in this, in today's culture, 2022, People can get canceled. People can like, it's like the whole notion very easily. Like which back in the day you couldn't get canceled. You were just kind of a jerk based on whoever spoke to, to you. Lucky for us . I mean, if it's a good thing we were a little bit younger, we wouldn't be it at eye. I could only imagine what would happen. Like college, post college. Yeah. With all that social media, uh, up in the cloud. Um, yeah, I mean, that's fascinating. Okay. Uh, and, you know, not, not to, to, uh, put you on the couch too much, but what do you, could, have you ever thought about like where you have a soft spot? Like where, where do you, Well, what's, where do you get the biggest joke of all in all, just the religion piece is I grew up on a straight, and we were literally the only Gentiles. Right. The whole street was Jewish interest. Okay. And the, the, the synagogue was up the road. And as a young child on a Saturday morning, I. Rush hour, not rush hour of everyone going up to the synagogue. And I remember thinking, Why can't I go to that party? And the parents were, Oh, interesting. So you've, you felt kinda left out a little bit cuz those were like your friends and your neighbors. But even today, what's fascinating is we love the Jewish tradition on a Friday night of Shabbat dinner, we think Shabbat dinner's really cool and some of our kids' friends are Jewish. And so my kids are wanting to go out to the pub on a Friday night, but oh, Charlie can't go cause he's got shit about dinner. So we. Thing called, My mom's called it Sean. So we call, we have Shabat dinner, and so we've completely stolen a Jewish concept and have family dinner with my mom. You know what? You know what? So to, okay, here's what's kind of funny. That is the American way, , right? Like if we, if we like it lesson time, take it. We just take it. I mean, somebody's like, Oh man. Like that's the best tradition ever. Yeah. It's made by this group of people that, you know, grew up on this large mountain, so they had to do this and, and it's such a great idea. And then I, and we're like, well, why can't we do that? That's right. We can't. That's exactly right. We don't, we don't have any of our traditions. Okay. So like we are gonna just borrow the produce. No, that's absolutely right. That's exactly right. So, um, so anyway, um, so I can't call you WASP anymore. Well, I can, but, uh, it's, it's gonna bother you a little bit. What's funny though is when I think of Catholics, I think of Rock Choppers rc, have you heard of that? A Rock Chopper. A Rock Chopper is r and c is a. I wonder if it was to do with slavery and Catholics. Anyway, is Roman it doesn't sound good. No. Roman Catholic is rc, right? RC and so Rockhopper. Um, but what's interesting is we can be light and funny a bit about Catholicism and Protestantism. You guys have a lot of Catholics there, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Well about 90% of us are Irish and so, so that's kind of weird because it's interesting. There's a lot of people with Irish genes who had more English style. Uh, culture put on them. Yes. Right? Yep. No, that's way it seems. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we are Protestants, but Irish originally. Um, but then the, yeah, pretty big Catholic, um, turnout down here. Um, but so you don't fight as much , uh, at the end of the night, is it? So here's the, here's the joke I can say. Yeah, that's what, Right, right. But so what's funny is, is it, it. There is kind of that rule, right? There's a societal rule, which is if you're gonna crack off an Irish joke, you better damn well be Irish. Yeah. Um, I do think that, it seems like that's a little looser there, but, but this is interesting because I don't feel uncomfortable having a crack at Catholics. Right. I think it's funny that you're, you're a non-practicing, you're, you're a fallen Catholic and the, I was gonna make a comment about that, some of the, So that was pretty good. That didn't offend me, but I remember thinking, Oh, that might offend some people when you add the fall. Like an angel lost its wings. Right, Right, right. Like yeah, like sayan. Right. So, but, but what's interesting is you can have a crack. I think I can have a crack at you without, You're getting offended if I talk about Catholic guilt, like Catholic guilt's a funny thing. Sure. Right. Yeah. But that's a, that's a cultural thing though. Oh, it's culturals not religious that you, you can, yeah, you can have ca Catholic. Without going to church. But you know what, like, and so Protestants are a lot less harder to nail. They say the Protestant work ethic people with Protestants of work, but that's pretty Yeah. But where I know I can't go ever, ever, ever. And even though I've got lots of great Jewish friends, is I can't go anywhere near Jewish things. No, no. Well, let's be honest. Okay. It, they just, you, you guys are gonna say probably we were imprisoned and you know, we, we were convicts and. But I just don't think you guys can hold a candle to what The juice. No, that's right. No, no, no, no. And this is the thing you get So their experience is so horrific that Yeah, it's terrible that for for forever in a day, that's completely off limits. Yeah. Which is completely understandable. Yeah. It's top limits. But it's fascinating the line, right? Did lions get blurred? If you step over the line, what happens? And it. As a comedian, it must be, um, thinking of the guest, uh, Zane, like it must be in some ways a bloody minefield as you're writing jokes and thinking about what's funny, what's not. Yeah. Um, you know, it, it's a really, it's a high wire act because you are trying to predict, you've got a hundred people in the room, a thousand people in the room. Okay, I'm gonna say this, How are we gonna go? And I found it really interesting watching Ricky jva and Jimmy Carr, cuz Jimmy, they both kind of deconstruct. They're actually saying some of these shows, like, Okay, this is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna set something up. You're gonna listen to it. I'm gonna take you down this road. You're gonna think I'm going here, but I'm gonna do a U-turn and ended up there. And when I end up there, half of you are gonna laugh. And then two seconds later go, Ooh. That that, Yeah. Is that funny? ? Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, I mean, Dravet's destroys all of those celebrities in that Golden Globes thing. I, if I'm some people you can look it up online. It's really merciless. Yeah. I think it's pretty darn funny. Some of it is really intense. It, it is interesting. It's, some people can laugh at it and some people are having a little bit of a hard time. Yeah. I think. Um, But don't you think as an exercise for you and our listeners for the next. The next time you make you feel offended. I think the opportunity, Cause all offenses is an emotion. Right? It's an emotion. True. It's like, I'm angry, true. I'm sad, I'm happy, I'm now offended. The opportunity, mm-hmm. is to pause and say, Why am I offended? Yes. Why am I offended that Chris called me a wasp? Well, in society when someone says someone's waspy, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Mm. Means that it means they're not there. There is a, you might feel a little uncool maybe, and Right, like that's what, that's, that baggage is in there. It might be privileged. I don't know. Yeah. Not, not that, not that there's any of that with, um, with the Bondi Beach or nothing. . Yeah. No. Uh, so, so you know what though? I think that's really a great point because in so much of coping with modern society is taking a. and saying, Wait a minute, I shouldn't be a slave to my emotions. Mm-hmm. , I'm gonna process this through my, the, the front part of my brain and, and use the human part of me and stop being, uh, such a primate, Well, this is it. And Right. And, and think about why is this going on? I can reframe this in my mind. That's, we have the power to do that. Mm-hmm. , uh, and maybe in the end, you. That was a, a lame joke. Mm-hmm. . And it was stupid and it was offensive, not just to me, but other people. And it probably shouldn't be cracked off. Uh, and you might say, I should be able to take a darn joke and maybe I gotta work on me . Well, that's that. I mean, you could go either direction on that. I think it's interesting because I think Ricky J's theory is who, who is? Anyone to think that you can, We can all walk around the world and never be. Like that's pretty, That's pretty arrogant. It is. It is. Which is why we should just turn this to saying, yes. Let's see what San has to say about this church. Let's do it. Ready? Yep. All right. Bye bye. Lots to talk about. Yeah, there was lots to talk about. Thanks. We're so glad you're back on on the program here. Uh, I, there's so much to talk about, but, uh, for everybody who wasn't around for last year, Zane Lampry is the Anthony Bordain of Drinking. He is a standup comedian and he's done a bunch of shows that are just awesome about going around the world and having conversations with people and, and drinking and learning about their cultures, learning about their lives. And he just was telling us moments ago that he just got done. , uh, a standup show, not at a brewery like he's been doing, but this time, uh, a dispensary. Well, yeah. So it was, um, uh, first, thank you for having me back, guys. Appreciate it. I, I miss, I missed you guys. Um, like I said, like I said, by the way, I was willing to come down to Australia to do this. You said don't worry about it. So, but I, I was gonna, uh, you know, At, uh, your house for a while there Jason. So please, please. We'd love to see you. Maybe you knew that. Well, no, you wouldn't just see me. You'd see a lot of me cause I'd be there for like a month, but it's okay. . Um, so, yeah, no kidding. I've been doing, uh, my standup, uh, at breweries around the country. So I've done 182 shows, uh, since June 3rd, 2021. Um, So, uh, pretty, it's pretty much like 176 breweries, cuz a few, I did two shows back to back and then, um, I did a few, um, I did like two standup clubs, um, the House of Blues. And then this past Saturday I was in, um, I was in Watsonville, uh, California. Watsonville is like, it's near Santa Cruz. It's like Santa Cruz's little brother that's been in. Jail for selling meth, basically. That's, which, it's, it's a great place to hide a weed farm cuz all the cops are just looking for meth labs on, you know, in RVs. Yeah. So, yeah, I, I, I was at an actual weed farm, so, you know, millions of dollars worth of plants. Um, and they, they, it's called golden seed and they are, um, uh, they're the first like public, I'm putting quotes, air, air quotes, public. Uh, weed company, a marijuana company, uh, with cc approval to basically raise money, uh, not through, uh, series A or from accredited investors, but in a, a series A or Reg a, uh, oh yeah. Non-accredited investor so people can invest for as little as 200 bucks. And so this was a, um, Uh, their annual, you know, shareholders meeting kind of a thing. But it was like at the farm and it was like two or 300 people. And, uh, everyone's, there's little stations where you normally would have like arts and crafts and they have like rolling joints and, you know, just like whatever. And, and everyone's really high and. And so yeah, we're all just my, It was the first time performing in front of an audience of 200 stoned people, which you'd think would be the best audience. Yes, yes. They're, they're, they're, they were, and they weren't. The good thing about them is that they were, they were quiet, you know what I mean? Like when sometimes, like I did, uh, a show in, uh, Bend, Oregon, uh, at a brewery there, but it. It was a brewery that also had a full bar, um, which is an important piece of information. And it was Cinco de Mayo , so every, everyone like was just doing shuts. And so before my show even started, everyone's hammered and they are so talkative and so disruptive, it was the antithesis of what this weed event was. And, and they were kind of like listening and I was getting some laughter, but I was like, All right, I'm, I'm gonna do some, some exploration. I'm gonna talk to these people. So I, I did a, I did a bunch more crowdwork than I normally did, and that pulled them in, and then I just kind of jump back into my standup. My, my standup is, is more, I mean, it's, it's regular standup. It's, it's storytelling. I don't know many standups that necessarily just do like jokes, you know, like maybe some used to mm-hmm. . Yeah. Um, but, um, yeah, so anyway, it was, it was good. I, I did. Four shows this past weekend, uh, in, in Northern California, Northern and Central California. And then this, I'm home for three days and I take off for, uh, Columbus, Ohio, um, for a show at BrewDog on, um, 23rd of September. And then I'm, I'm, I'm on the road for three solid weeks. So it'll be, um, it'll be, it'll be interesting. It's a long one. It's a long run, but it, there's, there's a few breaks in there and it, it'll. As long as there's beer to drink, I'll be fine. Well, I, um, I've got so much to ask you just quickly on this, um, because since we had you on the show, I then got completely intrigued about standup and I've been watching a lot of lesser comics like Jimmy Carr and Ricky Deva. Um, do you, do you drink at your shows? And if you do, how do you do it and keep that selt figure? I mean, you're in a very attractive. Well, I would make you email me that so I can print it up and put it on my wall. So thank you very much for all, for all of that. Um, you know, I mean, there's a few things. The answer is yes, and, and I, I just went and got myself a trainer, so it's a buddy of mine, Josh Maria. He's a, he's a personal trainer. He is a celebrity personal trainer, and so he was actually brought down to drain people. Um, and then ended up getting in the movie and doing a few stunts and stuff on the movie Avatar, the one that's coming out, um, geez, the same day as my show in Columbus, and I guess that'll be my competition, . And, um, and so he was, he was down there because of like the whole, you know, Covid stuff. He had to stay down there and his wife couldn't visit and he was down there for a while. Then he came back to LA and he was trying to get this like program. Um, basically it's like, it's called ready for tv, basically like, or ready for film or whatever. Um, and just getting people like who are on TV into whatever shape they want to be in on tv, because I remember talking to my wife about it and last year I went out and I was doing the tour, like, What should I do? Should I like grow a beer and get a haircut? Like, what, what should I do? She's like, You're gonna be in front of thousands of people a week. You should be look as the best you've ever looked. I was like, Oh. So I gotta start getting in shape, like, and I should, Anyway, I'm 50 and so I, um, got this trainer, put me on a regimen. I'm, I'm eating better, eating less is most significant. Uh mm-hmm. had to cut out peanut butter. That turned out to be my, my, my kryptonite. And then your heroin. My heroin. Oh God. Yes. God, yes. Why you have any, you have any, bro? Yeah. . And so I was, Uh, yeah. So anyway, just it, that's it. So it's, it's not the beer, man. The beer, there's not that many calories and beer. And I'll have two, I'll, two beers, uh, three beers when I'm doing my show. Um, then every morning, um, I'm at the gym. I get a few days off here and there, but, um, you know, doing what I should do with it. At the end of the day, it's not really, beer kind of catches a bad rap because mm-hmm. it's not really the beer as much as it is what the beer. Makes you eat. Once you've drank it, you know you have a beer and then you're like, someone brings out a cheeseburger. You're like, I'm gonna diet, eh, screw it. I'll just have blonde. And then, you know what I mean? Like, so as long as you cannot, you know, do that. Inhibitions. Got it. Yeah. Got it, got it, got it. Yep. That's, Sorry, that was, I like, I like to have one, just one be like, I go on stage sober, I go on stage. When I get to the brewery, they're all like, they're always like, Hey, have a have a drink. I'm like, No. I just thank you. But I, I don't have any, I don't touch anything until I hit the. And so I'm drinking along with the audience, so you know that that'll, that that is, It's however many beers I have on stage is how many beers I have that day, which is maybe, like I said, two, two to three. That sounds like good living. Yeah. So Zane, when I saw you in Portland, I know I meant, I sent you an email afterwards, but. For the sake of the listeners, um, I went to this show as a fan and I thought, I know a lot about his shows, so I'll be able to track this no matter what. But we brought a couple of people with us that didn't know as much about your shows. They'd seen, I think, one or two episodes and liked them, but it occurred to me while I was there and, and they told me afterwards the exact same thing, which. If they've, if no one's ever seen you ever, you're still gonna show up and be funny. I mean, they thought you were hilarious. They were, They really loved the show. And I thought you were amazing. I thought you were very, very good. So, I, I, I've gotten handsome and hilarious so far. Like, if we wanna end it right now, probably not a bad, It been great. Look, it's been great having you saying it's been great. Thank so much. I'm just, I'm just saying, man, there was a little part of me who was like, Look, I know he's a great TV show host. I don't know how funny he is gonna be. I mean, it's funny because you. I, I get that. I, I get that from, from people and, and at this point, probably half the people at the show have seen one of my shows in half haven't mm-hmm. And the people that are really the most excited at the end of the shows are the people that didn't know who I was and got to hear about my journey. Now the, the show that you came to last year is last year's standup. That was a, that was a completely different hour than the hour that I'm doing now. And so, and, and, and I still am careful. Um, about, I mean, none of my, all my stories are really things that happened behind the scenes. So it's not like, Oh, you remember that scene where I did this? Oh, here's, here's what was happening. No, no, no. I'm, I'm trying to colorfully paint this picture of what's going on, um, and succinctly, right? Like get to the point quickly and, and paint the picture and then, and then describe the situation. So it doesn't matter if you've seen the show or not in. Some, for some people it's better that they didn't. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Mm-hmm. . No. That's amazing. Well, you know, we, we think about you a lot. It's funny your camera's not on, but I get lost in those eyes. I, you know, just an man keep a, keep a going. Yeah. But, but, but we are so intrigued about this idea that, um, and we needed someone with expertise to come on and speak to us about this. The idea that recently people becoming more easily offended by comedy. And offense as an idea, we find it fascinating. So first of all, are we crazy or is that a thing these people are getting Every, every interview that I do these days brings that up. Oh, wow. Only that. Not only that, but but the fact that when I'm on stage, I come out for the VIPs and I do a half hour q and a and stuff like that. And that often comes up. And the fact is, is it's, the landscape is always. and we're resetting the bar cons consistently. And so you go back and think about, um, things that comp comedians were saying or doing in the, in the fifties, you couldn't do in the eighties, what they're saying, the eighties. You can't do now. You can't, you're, you're constantly moving the bar. The problem is, mm-hmm. is that now there's video of us from the last decade there. There wasn't that for like regular. You do like a special, and that's it. You don't have all these little, little sections, you know, of like, of people being able to catch you saying things like, like Michael Richards, when he says that, said that it was horrible. He said it one night. It was, it was stupid. And, but you know, if no one was recording it, it would've been like, yeah, everyone at the club would've thought he was an asshole and then he would've had to go home and deal with it mentally and then he could bounce back and whatever. But now that it's on. Dude, you're Yeah, he's done. Yeah. Yeah. And so, and so there, you're always moving the bar and, and changing what can be said. Now, the job of a comedian is to push, push The envelope is to, is to say what is to, It's like magic. I, something's funny if I set. And then I spin it the other way. If you think I'm going in a direction and then I landed in a completely different place, you're like, Aha, that's okay. That's funny, That's clever. Either you're gonna think that or you're gonna say that. And so you're always pushing the envelope and you're riding that edge and you know, the edge moves. The edge now is different than the edge before, so, so yes, it is, It is something that because of, um, how quickly a comedian. Quote, mistakes end up, um, you know, out there for the world to see, um, you know, because that's so readily available, you can say something today and be canceled tomorrow. You know what I mean? So, So that's what's different about now versus the eighties, Like, sure. There is a bar in the eighties, there's a bar, you know, and, and that's been raised or moved or lowered, whatever is your analogy, you know, every, every decade. Um, but you know, now we're just kind of like showing people and I, I think what the, you know, the craziest thing is like when, um, like for example, when Kevin Hart was about to do the Oscars. Yeah. And then they found something that he said 12 years before, you know, and it's like you. You can't judge me for today for something that I said 12 years ago. You know what I mean? It's like, it's, it's, I, I don't know. I don't know. I suppose that's the question though, right? Because you're right, the, the internet definitely changes things, but the piece that we're also kind of interested in is when is it people, you know? There's always people who can't take a joke, but there's also this whole background of people who are using these things. It, it, it's hard to believe that somebody wasn't deliberately searching the internet to find bad things on Kevin Hart. I mean, maybe I'm wrong. Oh, sure. I mean, I think part of that, when you're, when you're up at that level, you know, there's probably some due diligence that needs to be done. Now they, they have to get insurance for that. So someone is insuring the fact that Kevin will, will show up, you know? Just, you know, like if they, you know, as, as a host, like if I don't show up mm-hmm. , what's, what's the contingency plan and everything. So, so, so then when there's legal involved and insurance involved, they start to do their due diligence. Maybe, I don't know if that's what happened or I don't know if it was just a jealous person with too much time or someone, you know, tripped on it, whatever. But like, you know, I know that sometimes that people, these kind of, they kind of leave these in the coffer and, and bust 'em out when they. When it suits them. Oh, that's interesting. That's interesting. So one, one in the back pocket. Okay. Yeah. Well think about that. That whole Trump thing when he was on entertainment tonight Yeah. He in the bus saying, you know, Yeah. In the bus. Exactly. Thank you for saying that. So I didn't have That's okay. What he said. That's right. I'd have to call legal. We'd have to cancel you. Yeah. They were, they, um, a hundred. That was being held onto people. Somebody knew that they had it, right? Yeah. And they said, What's the best, what's the best time to release this? Oh, the best time to release this is right before the election. The uh, Oh yeah, the election, right? Yeah. Right before the election, Which the, I think what's the crazy thing about that particular situation is that Billy Bush got canceled and he didn't, he didn't say anything wrong, and then the other guy became president. So I, look, I don't, I don't, I try to stay away from politic. And I, and I don't know Billy Bush, uh, personally, but he absolutely got the raw ending raw deal. Yeah. Oh yeah. Raw deal. Because you know what, as, as an interviewer, what you're doing, and I've been in that situation before where I'm about to interview somebody and they're, they're starting to talk and I'm just like, I'm agreeing with them. Uhhuh. Yeah, Uhhuh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm not adding to it. Yeah. You know, but, but I'm, I'm warming up the guests right before the interview. So that we have some sort of rapport if he wants to talk about, or she wants to talk about something and, and that's fine. You know, sometimes my like, producer will come over and I'll, and I'll just kind of give him that look like, Hey, I'm, this is the pre-interview this, they looks like I'm just hanging out with somebody, but I'm, I'm working here. You know what I mean? Right. Mm-hmm. , I'm, I'm, I'm confident that that's what he was doing there too, so, you know. Yeah. We're gonna leave it there for this episode. Check back in next week as we discuss Ricky Gervais' view on taking offence pushing the limit, and some more of Zane's stories. Thank you for joining us at the Recombobulator Lab with Chris Dominic and Jason Graham. Catch you next time.

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