Pandemic Mindblowers- Ep. 1

Episode 1 October 26, 2022 00:32:53
Pandemic Mindblowers- Ep. 1
The Recombobulator Lab
Pandemic Mindblowers- Ep. 1

Oct 26 2022 | 00:32:53


Hosted By

Jason Graham-Nye Chris Dominic

Show Notes

It has been over a year since season 1 of The Recombobulator Lab finished. Chris and Jason’s schedules have filled back up with everything from Jason and his wife presenting at the World Economic Forum to Chris jet setting all over the USA. But somehow they managed to pull together season 2. 

This episode Chris has a COVID quiz for Jason and the guys discuss their highs and lows of the pandemic. Why bring COVID back up, you might ask? To package it up and put it away for good.

Thanks to everyone who made season 1 such a success and for making season 2 possible.  

Since the pandemic eased both Jason and Chris have been travelling with work. Jason and his wife had the honour of doing a presentation at the World Economic Forum about G-Diapers, their environmentally friendly diaper company. Some highlights of the trip include sharing an umbrella with Bill Gates and finding out that the world is not being controlled by 3 people. 

Chris has also been ‘back on the big metal bird’ since last season with work trips to Longview, Texas; Seattle, Washington; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Oklahoma City; Dallas, Texas; Eugene, Oregon; Las Cruces, New Mexico; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada and Denver, Colorado. He learned a thing or two on his travels including the fact that the view in Longview is actually not that long. There’s not much of a view at all. 

COVID podcast quiz 

Question 1: In the first half of 2020 name 5 Google searches that saw a huge percentage increase. Eg. Yeast grew (or rose?) 280% 

Answer 1: Any of 5 of the following. 

  1. Take out 
  2. Dumbell 
  3. Standing desk 
  4. Paint-by-numbers 
  5. Hair clippers 
  6. Netflix 
  7. Recipe 
  8. Electric bike 
  9. Blender 


Question 2: How many people died in Australia during the COVID 19 pandemic as of Aug 2022? 

Answer 2: 13,000 people


Question 3: How many people died in the US during the COVID 19 pandemic as of Aug 2022? 

Answer 3: 1 million people 


Question 4: What percentage of the world is fully vaccinated?

Answer 4: 62.8% 


Question 5: What percentage of the US is fully vaccinated?

Answer 5: 67.8%


Question 6: What percentage of Austrailia is fully vaccinated?

Question 6: 84.7% 


Question 7: What percentage of Australians feel they can trust their healthcare system?  

Answer 7: 76% 


Question 8: What percentage of Americans feel they can trust their healthcare system?  

Answer 8: 34% 

Make sure to listen to the podcast to see how Jason did. 

Highs and Lows of the Pandemic 


The effect on mental health, the impact on teenagers, the impact on those graduating and starting college. 

The pandemic changed the experiences of a generation of people


Learning to not take things for granted, things have slowed down, pandemic forced a behaviour change, everyone was forced to use things like Zoom meaning people can move to where they want to and not be dependent on cities, people questioning their pay and their jobs which led to ‘The Great Resignation’  


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Episode Transcript

The Recombobulator Lab with Jason Graham and Chris Dominic. Hey Chris. Hey Chris. Hey Jason. How's it? I'm very well. How are you? I'm doing great. I, How, how does it feel to be back after, uh, a a What would it, what what, what was it? How long was it? Several months. A year? Uh, years. One year . One whole year. One whole year. Between two years. Oh my gosh. That is a long, Yeah. That's Australia time. You kind of, Yeah. Okay. It's a different, it's a different time down in Australia. Yeah. Do you like, do you like my upgraded, um, podcast booth? You do look way better. He's got listeners, he's got this, these egg carton things behind him that are all that. Just send a message of professionalism and awesomeness. We have kind of upgraded though, right? Like this? Uh, we have, we should. This is where we should thank our listeners and our guests for. Propelling sponsors season two sponsor. Sponsor sponsors. Sponsor. We'd love to thank Riverside at you're Smooth Rock . Yes. Uh, and, and you're probably just trying to get vodka again. That's what's going on. That's, I can tell right now. These, Yes. You're nodding. Okay. So what have you been up to? My man? I gotta, I gotta just ask you about this Davos thing. We haven't even talked about that. Yeah. I know you went off to some hoy toy highfalutin thing. Well, my wife and I were invited by the World Economic Forum to go to Davos in Switzerland, which um, is their annual general meeting. And, uh, we were asked to go there and present, um, do investor a presentation for our business G diapers, which is, uh, plastic free, um, zero waste. Baby diaper solution. So it was extraordinary. So Davos is a tiny ski resort in Switzerland and it's usually held in the winter and it's 2000 people go there. And it's sort of the hoi pelo, shall we say. Um, governments, leaders, uh, corporate leaders. Um, but because of. The pandemic, they had a two year hiatus and then they ran it actually in May of this year. So in the summer. And it was extraordinary. Um, we were part of a cohort of global plastic innovation leaders, um, and a few of those were invited to attend. And yeah, it was amazing. Um, you know, I think there's criticism of the World Economic Forum and you know, are they the list people? Are they gonna try and put 3G in our, under our skin? And it was funny because. Everyone, anyone is there. So there was a bit of rain one day and Kim was walking along with one of her friends and her friend had an umbrella, and the person next to them who was just walking a stranger, had no umbrella. So Kim's friend offered the umbrella to the person next to her, and it was Bill Gates . Um, you know, of course, of course. And, but you've got, you know, prime ministers are rocking up there. So it was, um, an incredible opportunity for us personally and professionally and, um, it was stunning and I dunno how they'd run it in the winter, tracking through snow, cuz you, you're working from walking from one sort of provision to another, um, and attending really interesting, fascinating conversations. Um, so it was really huge and really transformative for, for our company, Ju DAUs. So it was. It was really lovely. That's to get back on a plane an honor. Yeah, it really was. And a lot of knock on effects since then, which we can probably talk about in a later episode. But, um, yeah, there are no live paper. The world isn't being controlled by three people. Um, George Shores isn't the devil. Oh, really? . Okay, we got that straight. Hey, thank you. Funny Total North interest, hot news on the lab. That's all right. So, so did you have, uh, did you have, um, any. We had a lot of fundo there. You know, Europe is just a carbohydrate thing, right? We tried to get salad. I was trying to listen to my mom eat more grains. It's impossible. No. And can I say that Caprice salad they have in Italy, Capsi salad, which is like a chunk of tomato and a beta cheese. That's salad is is it though? Yeah. Is it? I love it. I think it's fine. I know, but it's not salad. It's just dressed up cheap. No. It's a kind of salad. Oh. I mean, you've got a tomato in there and some basil. I mean a basil. Yeah. Ba . Yeah, that's right. And I mean, I, I tend, I like to throw a little balsamic on there. Yeah, no, no, no, that's good. That's good. Um, so that was great. And we got there just before the heat wave, so I'm not sure if you've seen Europe, July, August. I mean, it is frying. London is burning. Yeah. Pr it's drought. It's so weird. So yeah, I, I really like Switzerland, um, maybe more than I should. And I also really like raquette cheese, which Laura does not like. She particularly doesn't like it when I have the relet cheese. Oh, uh, yeah, I know. Oh, I. So, Okay. When we, Yeah, our neighbors in Portland were from Switzerland and oh my Lord, the Relet on the Sunday night , it's so good. But it is, it's gotta, it's got a particular presence, if you know what I mean. It's got bite, it's got a, It's got a high there. It's got its own postcode. Yeah. . So true. So true. Well, I'll tell you, and you. Oh man. Well, what have you been doing? Traveling, Getting back on the big steel bird. So yes, as a matter of fact, you, you know, you should know that because the nation's court system was completely shut down for a while. Or in some places, not completely, but in other places completely. Uh, there's a backlog. Mm-hmm. , and it's been a very busy period of time. I have been to, Are you ready for this? Longview, Texas, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Eugene, Oregon, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Washington dc, Las Vegas, and Denver. Since the last time we talked to each other, uh, were there any new destinations for you in your illustrious 30 year career? Longview, Um, I thought Longview was in California. You know, I've actually been to Longview once before, but it was so long ago. It might as well have been the first time I went because it's, uh, I don't remember anything about it from the first time. It's, uh, it's in West Texas. You fly into Dallas and drive, or you can get into the little, it, it's just, it's a, it's its own thing. Right. Yeah, that's cool. You know, the view's not that long though. I'm aal you, I'm not sure where the name came from . I was like, there's gotta be some really amazing view around here. And that's not what, that's not what I got out of it. It needs a rebrand. No. And tell me is, are the court back in, are you doing like a hybrid court thing or a cor a courts backing person? Yeah, it depends on where, So I'd say most places just kind of went back to the old days, uh, because that was the easiest thing for them to do. But there's a lot of people. Uh, are doing hybrid work. For example, I have a trial coming up where we're going to pick, uh, the jury. Via Zoom, and then we're going to, after we have a seated panel, then we're gonna have a live trial. That's a hybrid trial. Wow. Other trials, uh, there's a trial in Seattle I'm gonna be working on that is strictly, Zoom is a hundred percent civil case and it's all Zoom. I don't think anybody's doing criminal cases that way. Um, cuz there's constitutional, uh, is it issues there? Yeah, there's a, there's a question as to whether or. Confronting your accuser must be done in person. Wow. It's open. That's, and that's a, that's a constitutional thing. And, and as you know, and as we will talk about this season, the Constitution is powerful. Is it the Yeah. I mean, it's powerful to the extent that it's the one thing that we all have to stack our hands on. It's the, it's um, it's the, in a place where everybody comes from somewhere else and nobody has any sort of, Anchored culture. Like what, what you're supposed to buy into is you. Yeah. This is what, what, what being an American is, is the president mentioned in the Constitution. I don't wanna geek out, but I kind of do wanna geek out quickly. Is the president mentioned in the constitution? Well, there's, it's, there's an executive branch. Okay. And a legislative branch and Right. The judicial branch. Right, right. So, There are three co-equal branches of the go. Okay. Which, which by the way does get butchered quite a lot. A lot of people don't understand that or they think they understand it and they don't. And so we'll definitely if people are actually interested in that, then I'm all in. But, well, I don't know. I don't know if people are, uh, so into that. I'll bring it up because the constitution of Australia, that has very rarely been, um, amended. Does it change every couple weeks? Not, not at all, but we are. I'm gonna put a referendum to the nation to have, um, voice to the parliament, which is having an indigenous voice. In the Constitution and in parliament, which is kind of massive. So that's, Oh, they were there first. They were there. 40,000 certainly. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. So embarrassed really, that they're, they are, you'd mentioned, um, last season that they're, It's the oldest, they're the oldest living continuous, um, group in the. They're incredible. So anyway, That's wild constitution. We've gotta bit a sneak peek on the season. This is exciting. Yes, for sure. Well, alright, so one of the things I thought we could do today before we kick into a, a little preview of the season, it's gonna be a loose preview Of course. Uh, but it's, it's, it's a preview. I thought we could, let's put a wrap on the pandemic. Huh? We, we made it. We did it. We did. They said we never, we were officially, we're officially not just a pandemic podcast. So, No, no, that's right. Thanks to everyone who helped make that happen. Yeah, Our sponsors, our listeners, our families. Yeah. My mom, we've done this twice now, so maybe that's enough. Thank yous. Um, I've got, you know what I've got for you, Jason? What's that? You're gonna be really shocked to know that I've got a quiz for you. Nice. I've been studying all weekend. Yes. Let's go. Oh, I'm sure you were you. You didn't know this was coming. All right. I didn't. The Covid, The Covid podcast quiz. All right, here we go. We're starting with something that I think is particularly awesome and listeners, I think you're gonna enjoy this part too. In the first half of 2020, January 5th of July 27th. Mm-hmm. named five Google searches that saw a huge percentage increase. . I'm gonna keep it clean. People. Yeah, so, So this is early pandemic, right? Yeah. So it's gonna all, it's Oh, and it's covid related searches? Or any searches? Well, it's just any, any search on Google that had a huge increase. Um, Okay. I'll give you, Okay. Hey, good. I'll give you, give me one, give you an example. Yeah. For example, uh, yeast grew 280% in. . I dunno if you remember, but a lot of people in America, baked bread, did the bread thing. . Yeah, yeah, yeah. How do I make bread? Was that a Google search? It takes because normally you'd be like, I don't have enough time for bread. And then you're like, Maybe it's time I learn how to bake bread. You know? So, because things have changed. That is so, yeah. Give it a shot. Come on. Try. Okay. So, um, I love that then five. Yeah. You have, you get, there's just take five shots. At five things. Okay. Hey, Google. Um, Home Brew, right? How do I do it? Um, that, that's, Hey, Google Um, uh, how do I cure the pan Pandemic. Hey, Google. Mm-hmm. . Can I get Covid from kissing? Hey Google. Um, um, what else would we doing back then? Google. That's good. Uh, can. Can I get covid from looking at someone? Hey, Google. Can, uh, what were we doing then? Yeah, the baking of bloody bread. Uh, just drinking early for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Um, uh, probably something about Wuhan. Where's Wuhan? What? . Okay. That's just random enough that I'm gonna just give you some answers. Are you ready, ? It's, it is takeout. All right. Dumbbell. Cause people thought, right? Yeah. Yeah. Can't go to gym anymore. Standing desk, oh my gosh. Paint by numbers. really well, think of how much time people suddenly had. I mean, that's, it really did. It's just, it's everybody went from the most busy that the world had ever been to. Hey, you got all day? Yeah. Go find a book. Uh, here, here are the other ones. Hair Clippers, uh, Netflix. Oh yeah. Like I, I like, I never had Netflix before. I guess I'll start, uh, recipe. Oh yeah. Electric bike. Oh yeah. And blend. Wow. I was so close to getting all of those right. Yeah. But I think Home Brew pandemic covered from kissing, I think those are pretty good. Um, they're just not on the list. Okay. That are amazing. Okay, so what about this one? How many people died in Australia as of August, 2022? God, 20,000, 13,000 people. Okay. How about the United States? Oh man. As of August 22, you got right up there, didn't you? 800,000. No 1 million people. Oh, have died. Wow. Yeah. Wow. It's not, not a proud moment. Yeah. Um. Okay. Uh, so now that I brought it down quite, quite a bit, let's, let's, let's . Well, we're 15 minutes in and we've lost the whole audience. . Everybody's like, These guys got really dark over the last three of, I thought, I thought they were supposed to be happy. Uh, I thought they thought they approached serious subject in a funny way. Yeah. . All right. What percentage of the world now is fully vaccinated? Oh, that's a great question. Um, I think there's a lot of problems in the developing world, so I'd say 70. 62.8. What percent of the US is fully vaccinated? . 12% . Yeah. Sorry, sorry. That was an early jab. It was a, That is an early jab. 60%. Okay. It's, it's 67.8. Okay. Uh, just slightly above the, the world average. And how about Australia? How about, um, I think we're at like 93. 84.70, That's not, that's good, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's a hell of a lot better than us. Okay. Uh, let's do this then, and this, this is the last one. What percentage of Australians say they can trust their healthcare system? Oh, that's a great question. I'd say 85%. 76%. Okay. How about Americans? 30%. It's pretty close. It's 34%. Really? Oh my God. Two. Two-thirds. Two-thirds don't, aren't feeling too good about the the US system, which to be fair, we do have some incredible procedures here and amazing surgeons and incredible technology. It's really mostly about the system. The system is just so clearly. Uh, I don't know. I don't know if broken is the best term, but it's really not good. Yeah. It's just, it doesn't, you know, if you don't have health insurance, you're basically, you know, it's, Yeah. It's bankruptcy the second you do, And the tie between employment and health insurance killed us when, you know, when we, we had to lay someone off, it's like, well, that's a big decision because they're gonna lose their job, their income, and they're gonna lose their healthcare. Yeah. And so as an Australian, it's like, whoa. . Yeah. You don't have to worry about that in Australia because the government covers all that stuff. Yeah. The, the, It's changed since the, uh, Affordable Care Act came into place, uh, under the Obama administration because now people can Yeah. Just buy their own healthcare insurance. But it is kind of crazy to think that when you first moved to the US it it was not that way. Yeah. Like people were looking for a job a lot of times. Yeah. Just because they needed to get health insurance. Uh, and I remember as a, a college student, yeah, being really surprised that the university at the time at least, Hmm, uh, back in the dark ages did not have. Any sort of like student insurance policy you could have. I thought that was really weird. Yeah. So I also didn't go to a dentist for like four years and I chose to listeners, this is why this is a podcast and we're not on television. Cause Chris, what is that one Good tooth? What's going on there? Well, if you're trying to Shady Yeah. Um, they call me. Yeah. Call me Snaggle. . Yeah. Uh, yeah, fortunately, you know, uh, because of, uh, you know, it's a, it's a market based thing. I, I. White teeth that are also made. Yeah, because yeah, you look gorgeous, Chris. Cause you could buy your way out of it, basically. . Um, okay, so let's talk about this. We're, we're sitting around thinking about the pandemic in, in hindsight, we wanna package it up and put it away so we can move on. So what do you think about when you think of the worst things that came out of the pandemic and how about the good things? Yeah, it's a great question. What, like, how do we reflect back on this? How do we put it away? What, what's, what's your first big one? Well, I think on the, Well, it was a real test of trusting the government and trusting science, right? So it's fascinating from different cultures, Japan to Australia, to the US and elsewhere, how people deal with facts. Huh. You know, and, and this whole notion of listening to what your government's telling you and then how that trust can get ERO eroded if they get it wrong, quote unquote. But then it's like, I give the government a bit of slack cause it's like it's a pandemic. Has anyone been through this in a hundred years? No. So, Um, that was just an interesting observation, you know, in, in some Asian countries it was a blind faith in the government. Whatever they do will do. And the surveillance, you know, in Singapore, there's an incredible surveillance thing now where they can track your move every move, which is sort of good in one way if it's a pandemic and kind of bo well in, in another way. Um Right. I think, um, What were the bad things? I mean, Well, I mean, I would say. There's plenty of bad things that we can put our finger on. For one thing, the mental health test on people I think was, was really a strain. There are some, I think if you had the, the bad draw of being a kid Yeah. In middle school. Yeah. That's, Or like your first year in high school. Mm-hmm. where the social piece of this, your brain is wired to try and figure out, you know, who do you fit with? Who can you be friends with and are, Can you be, are, you know, do people like you? I mean, all those things are wired into the, the teenage brain and the idea that now you're going to be kept away from everybody in some sort of, it's gotta feel like, you know, adolescent jail. I mean, that had to be terrible. And those, those milestone, you know, the Valic. Um, if you have like a big graduation for high school, that's a big milestone moment to have that kind of a drive-by thing or the drive-by. Yeah. And then the university stuff. First year university you've got like fresh as week or you're rushing for something or whatever that, that, that process is in the US or in Australia. You've got week system and. All that went away. And so now you've now trained in year one of university to go on Zoom and now classes are sort of prerecorded. And what we've found here in Australia is in year two, okay, we're coming outta the pandemic. Well, you've trained a whole cohort that they don't actually have to go on campus. And it's like, oh my gosh, 90% of my university experience was the campus meeting other people. The course was pretty secondary, you know? And so that's brutal. And it's fascinating. The longitudinal, um, Effects on people and their lives and their out outcomes would be fascinating research. And then maybe during our podcast, we'll have someone on to talk about that. Uh, that's a great idea. I think the, the whole idea that this probably changed a generation of people because it was a, you know, once in a hundred year sort of thing, uh, I, I find that fascinating and I think the one thing that I'm feeling really positive about with this behind us is, It just makes it easier to maybe not take life for granted. Yeah. As much like we were really getting pretty entitled there, Um, things that don't work on an app on a phone within seconds. Uh, I'm, I, I, you know, it's, I'm over it. Right. You know, like it's too hard. Uh, and now we've slowed down a little bit and maybe somebody picked up a book recently, you know. Yeah. And I, I don't know. I just think that that part is pretty cool. There's a bunch of people who. Because the pandemic forced a behavior change. Mm-hmm. . Right? It's really hard to force a behavior change. Yeah. But the system changed. And the system's the most powerful thing. Yeah. Because the system changes. Everybody's now, who's a knowledge worker, is now comfortable with Zoom. Uh, you know, your grandma's comfortable with Zoom because that's the only way she can talk to her grandkids. So now there's all these people who can use tools like Zoom and FaceTime and things like that, that wouldn't have. That will now do it. And it means that there's an entire group of people that moved out of cities and live wherever the heck they wanna live, as long as they have an incredible broadband connection. And that is, that is a, like generational shift. It's a, And in a way it's really cool. It means that there's more freedom for people. People can do more of what they really wanna do. I think the, the introverts, in other words, not us two, are probably the happiest people. Yeah. Because now they really don't have to. You know, into these personal meetings that they probably don't, didn't want to go into in the first place. They, they don't have to have small talk at a, At the at the conference. Yeah, right. They just show up to the meeting and then they get to go away and they get to go right back to their life and Absolutely. I don't know. That's funny. It's so interesting what you say. Regional Australia is exploded. The property prices in regional and country. Australia and it, it is, you're absolutely right. It, it's, it's unlocked a whole new way of life. The other thing, uh, this notion of the great resignation is a fascinating thing, right? And the impact on hospitality in the US and Australia has been huge. And people seriously questioning what it is they're doing, how much they're getting paid. You know, the, there's a thousand PhDs to be done, There is, can, can we talk about something? We both experienced, um, which is the racket of the pandemic, which is Jason and I ran into each other. Well, we didn't run into each other. Uh, Jason was gonna be in Santa Barbara for some business stuff. So he called me up and he says, Hey, can you drop down to Santa Barbara? Cuz for those of you that don't know, Santa Barbara's a couple hours by plane from Portland. So I popped that worked out. I popped down. We had a great time and the first thing we noticed was even though we were technically post pandemic, I think, Oh yeah, no, we would, uh, the hotel was like, Oh, by the way, all of our services are closed. Yeah. Like we have a bar. And other than that you'll be ordering DoorDash to get any food. And we were both noticing there is a lot of people here and it looks like they're making plenty of money. So why would that, Oh, maybe it's cuz they get to charge the same amount that they would've before, but now they don't have to carry the cost of all of these people because they have pandemic excuse. Mm-hmm and I was just somewhere last. Last weekend where they did the same thing. They're like really? Like, Sorry, we only have one restaurant open. Yeah. You know, the pandemic and all. And I'm thinking this place is full buddy . And that is, that is you, your accountant is clearly running the show. Yeah. Cause there's no way your marketing people are, It's just not. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, but, uh, the fun that came out of this, by the way, uh, listeners, you should know that Jason's Japanese came in. Perfectly. It came in handy because we were, you know, we were getting carried away with our conversation. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, and we got kind of in a big line. It was very, very clearly this sushi restaurant was the popular place in Santa Barbara. It's run by, uh, an elderly Japanese woman who was basically telling everyone in line over and over and over. In broken English that there is no room for them and that they should have gotten, uh, reservations a very long time ago. So Jason, what did you say to her? I have no idea. Japanese. I just said, let us, let us remember. What, what am I saying? You somehow, Jason's, Jason's sweet talk her in Japanese and she was so, I. That the six foot floor white dude was laying down some good Japanese to her, um, that we got seated immediately and she started laughing and smiling. And so, and we had fun with the people next to us. Remember the people next to us. We, and we did have fun with the people next to us because you and I were both also very starved to talk to people. So, uh, so, so . So we had a wonderful, wonderful time, uh, in that, that was so fun. And the. We, Yeah, we're gonna have to look for, and, and that, that actually brings us to season four and season five The, the, the, the lab. Because we are gonna take this on tour. . Well let, Okay, so let's talk about it. We, we are hoping, we're not sure, but we're hoping that we could actually do a live episode at some point. Uh, that's one idea, but starting the train of, of previews. Yeah. Uh, I know one thing that we've been kicking around. Guns versus gambling . Yeah. Which we actually brought up last season. Uh, we don't know who we're gonna get to talk about it or if we're gonna even get anybody to talk about, but we know we wanna have a little, uh, a little, uh, guns versus gambling off. Uh, Yeah. To see how that goes. There's certainly, uh, well, but those of you who are. Uh, from Australia are probably perfectly well aware of what our American gun problems are. However, uh, Americans, you may not know that in Australia they have, uh, an epidemic level amount of rippling that rippling addiction to happening. Uh, so that's, that's the thing that, uh, we thought we would, uh, we, we, it's one of the things we'd explore. Jason, what's another thing you think we might, uh, tackle? Well, there's so much to tackle. We are going to look at, um, what else we gonna look at this, this season? Um, well, we, we might bring some of, uh, Well, there's a few things we might bring, uh, some of our Olympic friends back. That was kind of interesting. That's right. Um, we might bring some of our, uh, media, uh, brewery friends back. Mm-hmm. . That could be exciting. Mm-hmm. , What else? Chris? Uh, we want to, we've got, uh, psychologists that are friends of the lab so we can use them. We've got environmental smart people that are friends of the lab. We can use them and, uh, I know that I'd be really curious to talk to a comedian about the latest trend in people getting offended or not getting offended by comedy. When is it part of a culture war and when is it people getting easily offended, and when is it just like ruining everything for us because nothing's funny anymore? Yeah. I'm endlessly curious about that. I think being offend is such an interesting thing. Yeah, I do too. Um, no, but, uh, we also just want to talk about a lot of cultural issues that are coming up. Like there's just a lot of changes in behavior that to some degree, because of the pandemic that we wanna dive into and talk about and understand. Um, definitely I think Chris wants to run a civics episode. I think that's exciting. We can talk about compulsory voting in Australia and disengagement in the us. Um, Oh, okay. So, so just one thing I did read really recently that compulsory voting, at least in one study, has. To do the opposite of polarize people. Really, And I remember thinking yes. And I remember thinking, Oh my God, that's something that Jason is going to use forever. I encourage you to look it up. I will. Yeah. Oh yeah. Forever. But it's actually, I was thinking, oh, how that would actually make sense, right? I mean, I'm, I'm not surprised somebody hypothesized that I, No, I remember reading when I was in America. Banging on about, you've all gotta be compulsory voting. Cause I was so exhausted with the campaigns of Get out the vote, you know, trick or vote. I'm like, oh, for goodness sake. And then just so we can get up to 43% and that's really good. And then you have, you have dinners with people and they're like, this government's awful. And I'm like, Well, did you vote no? Like, so you don't have the right to speak now. So that was an ugly dinner conversation. Oh yeah. No, I can only imagine how quickly you offended them. You're such a nice guy. Until it comes to issues like that , it's like so unfair. But there's a whole other thing I was thinking. The other stuff is about how we're eating and drinking. So the emergence and then recent decline of, um, meat alternatives. I know this sounds strange, but companies like Impossible Food and and Beyond Meat. I find that so fascinating. And I posted something on LinkedIn and it went crazy. 13,000 impressions and huge amounts of discussion. Cause I'm not, I don't have a, a dog in the fight. I'm just so curious. Um, yeah. You know, these meat alternatives, the criticism is, So the bet they made, so $5 billion was put into that category by venture capital in 2021, and now it's falling out of bed badly. The bet was that you'll get the vegetarians on board, of course, and then you'll get this huge chunk of what they call flexitarians. People are kind of dabble. Well, yeah. And the, and the science is we need to make a burger that bleeds like meat but isn't made of vegetables. And if you speak to a vegetarian, you're like, No, no, Ew. No. Right? No. So that's Oo my God. And then on the Flexitarian front, it's like they, the bet was, you know, Burger King's trialing stuff, McDonald's is trialing stuff. The bet was a much bigger percentage of non-vegetarians would get into it, and that's not happening. Um, and then the post was talking about the ingredient list. So the ingredient list of the stuff is terrifying and isn't, isn't this an inconvenient, uh, timing with some of the studies that show that ultra processed foods are really bad for you? This is the strange thing. It's like your health conscious, I'll eat a meat alternative. No, you're eating a pile of chemicals. I feel like it's the, it's asbestos in 20 years. Oh, we thought it was so good. . The other big thing happening here, we'll have to dig in on. Yeah, we'll dig into that. Alcohol free is an alcohol free boom happening in Australia. There's bars that aren't selling alcohol. Mm. There's alcohol free beers and all that stuff. The other one I'm so curious about is vaping and smoking. Is vaping good or bad? It's kind of an interesting, and it's totally unregulated here in Peter. Well, in here they. One of the companies just got basically straight up band in America. Really? Uh, I think Jewel. Oh, Jewel. I saw that on John Oliver. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so now like there was this phase where all these high school kids were walking around vaping, and now I've actually seen a bunch of people in their young twenties smoking old fashioned cigarettes. And I wonder if it isn't. The fda, you know? I don't know. It's weird. Well, that's something that we need to look into. Of course. Yeah. But, uh, I'd love to, I'd love to kill, kick that around. Yeah, definitely. So season two is packed. It's gonna be exciting. It's packed. It's packed. So good. Yeah. No, it's gonna be a lot of fun. Well, Jason, I think we've lived up our, our, uh, our half hour that we've sworn ourselves to, so, Oh, we have to, It's time, it's time to take a break for a week, but I will see you very soon. See soon. Bye. Bye everybody. Thank you for joining us at the The Recombobulator Lab with Chris Dominic and Jason Graham. How's you next time?

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