A diaper executive and a jury consultant walk into a bar...madness ensues--for the second season in a row! The Recombobulator Lab covers knowledge and society topics from the perspectives of two old friends who are both dedicated to facts, evidence, science, and bouts of comedic rants.
"The Lab" is hosted each episode by the Co-Founder of gDiapers, Jason Graham-Nye, from Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia, and The President of Tsongas Litigation Consulting, Chris Dominic, from Portland, Oregon, USA.
The show gets off to a rough but hilarious start. Zane explains how he balances being a TV show host for Thee Sheets and...
Chris gives Jason a quiz on conspiracy theories, and then the two answer the first listener question of 2021, "Why do people believe in...
Jason and Chris discuss the different sports preferences internationally and then dive into a new segment--GOOD NEWS! They then transition to some of the...