A diaper executive and a jury consultant walk into a bar...madness ensues. The Recombobulator Lab covers knowledge, news, and society topics from the perspectives of two old friends who are both dedicated to facts, evidence, science, and bouts of comedic rants. The Recombobulator Lab is hosted each episode by the Chairman of NSW Circular, Jason Graham-Nye of Ben Buckler, Sydney, Australia, and the President of Tsongas Litigation Consulting, Chris Dominic Portland, Oregon, USA.
Chris and Jason have long been interested in the long term effects of concussion and head trauma. This week on the Recombobulator Lab they...
Chris & Jason reverse roles—at least regarding cold-weather clothing, and Jason discusses how strict Australia’s travel restrictions are. Chris then reports some good news....
Chris and Jason celebrate the "Friend of the Lab" title and lament the pain involved in repeatedly delivering a poor punch line (or watching...