After 140 people went missing from a glacier breaking off in the Himalayan portion of India, Friend of The Lab, Tom Osdoba, drops in from France to help Jason and Chris answer the question, "How can we save the world from environmental destruction?" Jason and Chris then learn that Tom's name can be pronounced in at least two ways.
Jason puts the timeline of human impact on the Earth in perspective before Tom discusses the good news from the US rejoining the Paris Agreement and General Motors' recent commitment to develop 30 electric vehicles and add to the charging infrastructure by 2025.
Chris explores philanthropic institutions' role with technological solutions and primes the conversation with the example of the floating Pacific Ocean plastic harvester, The 8th Continent.
Tom then discusses how changing systems before attempting to persuade individuals to change is significantly more effective than the inverse approach. Chris links the system first approach to motivated reasoning to show how it helps the persuasion and change adoption process. Jason and Tom close with tips for individuals who are already motivated to be a part of the solution by revealing some actions that can make the most significant difference daily.
Jason is tardy because of bacon. Chris accuses Jason's Vodka O cocktail of being boring without a name and suggests a few potential suitable...
Jason describes something Chris has never heard of before, the "pre-hangover" and chronicles how he got a prescription for vodka from his Doctor. Chris...
After Jason returns from a trip to the largest monolith in the world--Uluru, Chris gets a report, leading to a discussion about the 5...