Guns and Gambling- The Biggest Issues of Our Nations Ep. 5

Episode 5 November 23, 2022 00:33:17
Guns and Gambling- The Biggest Issues of Our Nations Ep. 5
The Recombobulator Lab
Guns and Gambling- The Biggest Issues of Our Nations Ep. 5

Nov 23 2022 | 00:33:17


Hosted By

Jason Graham-Nye Chris Dominic

Show Notes

Did you know that America is one of the few countries in the world where people have an entitlement to guns if they have all their rights? Something else that might surprise you entirely is the fact that Australia is one of the top 3 gambling countries in the world despite its low population.

In today’s episode of The Recombobulator Lab, Chris and Jason get to discuss their respective country’s biggest issues. They have been kicking the idea around for a long time and have even teased it a bit in a previous episode. These issues are guns in America and gambling in Australia.

Chris and Jason share a quiz on gun and gambling statics in both countries. They discuss the problem and share their thoughts on what can be done to curb the issues.

Gun and Gambling Quiz

Question 1: What are the top 3 gambling countries in the world?

Answer 1: Australia, Singapore, and Ireland.


Question 2: What percentage of Australians participated in some form of gambling last year?

Answer 2: 66% of the adult Australian population.


Question 3: If we think about 60% of Australians participating in some form of gambling, how many millions of people would've gambled 10% or more of their annual income each year?

Answer 3: 10%


Question 4: How many dollars would the average American spend a year gambling?

Answer 4: $400


Question 5: How much more do you think the Irish gamble than Americans per person per year?

Answer 5: $600


Question 6: What do you think the average Australian spends a year on gambling?

Answer 6: $1600


Question 7: What does the average Australian poker machine player spend?

Answer 7: $2400


Question 8: How many people in the United States died from gun-related injuries in 2020?

Answer 8: 45,000 people


Question 9: What percentage of those deaths were suicides?

Answer 9: 54%


Question 10: What share of all murders and suicides in the US involve a gun?

Answer 10: 79%


Question 11: What 3 states have the most gun-related deaths?

Answer 11: Louisiana, Mississippi, and Wyoming.


Question 12: How many active shooter incidents were there in 2020?

Answer 12: 40 moments

Gambling addiction in Australia

One of the problems with gambling addiction in Australia is that the government benefits from it. The government takes a cut of every dollar gambled and then throws it back into gamble responsibly education. Twenty billion dollars a year is spent on gambling, and 10 billion of it is on just the pokies or gaming machines. Jason explains how pubs in Australia are now valued purely on gambling revenue when selling rather than beer and food.

Suicide rates are connected to gambling too as addiction is a mental health issue.

The American gun problem

When it comes to guns, in countries like Switzerland and Israel everyone has to do some time in the military so they learn about gun safety. In America, however, anyone can just get a gun without necessarily taking a test or anything of the sort.

Guns have always existed in America, but the crimes have only accelerated since the year 2000. Could the internet be the problem? For years, murders and suicides have been increasing which could be related to the publicity other such incidents get.

What could be done about it?

Most people would like to see some form of gun restriction and also better mental health care. Chris would advocate that people retain their right to own guns but also take tests when upgrading. There has to be a way to make it reasonable for everyone.

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Episode Transcript

Jason, how's it going? Christopher J. Oh, that's a face. Wow. If only people can see that, you're like an exploding sun. I'm sorry. Spoiling an exploding son of happiness. Today, it's five o'clock in the morning and I went outside and you can smell summer, and I went. Hello, Summer. Oh, it's so exciting. Yeah. So, yeah, that's right. Although, do you guys just talk about it like summer in, in winter, or do you talk about fall and spring too? We don't have fall and spring. We, we checked, we unchecked that box. Okay. You know, that's kind of, Yeah. When God said, Would you like four seasons or two, we said two thanks. Let's go with two force. Force too much to. It's too confusing. Yeah, there's too much to keep track of maybe. That's exactly right. We're a simple folk down here, so this early, I'm gonna guess it's difficult to find a coffee shop. So did you go tea today again or did you you own coffee? No, I forgot to buy the coffee yesterday again. So now I'm trapped in a, a hellscape of tea and the first cafe doesn't open for another f. 49 minutes. Not that I'm counting. Um, I'll, I'll try and make sure that we are done by then so we can run outta there. There you go. Okay. Got it. Got it. Okay, So, so today, We're talking about this issue that you and I have been kicking around forever. We've even teased it on episodes, and if we didn't do it at some point, it was gonna get embarrassing. Yeah. Because, you know, so we have often complained to each other about our nation's big issues. And I, I talk about guns, not because guns are inherently a problem necessarily, but because America, for those of you. Uh, don't know this. Uh, we're one of the few countries that has an entitlement to guns. Our, the second amendment of our constitution says, uh, you can't take you. You know, you can't take guns away from people, uh, if they've got all of their rights, you know, so you could take a gun away from somebody if they're a felon or, you know, that kind of thing, But it's an entitlement. Now, compare this to, for example, a driver's license, which most people think of as an entitlement, but in reality, The way our laws are lined up, driving is a privilege. It's not something that you're entitled to in America, so you can have a gun. You can't necessarily traffic car anyway. So, and I'm sure people have seen the news that the problem with, uh, a lot of these guns is that they're not always used for recreation or protection. They're sometimes used for lots of nefarious activities. Uh, and so I thought what I would do to kick us off today, Jason, is give you a. , what do you think? Well, I think that's a terrible idea cuz I'm gonna give you a quiz. Oh, oh, oh. You're turning it on me. Oh yeah, man. Is you ready turning. Are you gonna turn the Ben Butler gun around? Oh and oh yeah. I want to talk about guns in Australia. People don't realize we've got a big gun problem down here, or do we? No, we don't. No you don't. . Okay. I'm gonna just give. Uh, well, yeah, there's some. Okay. Are we ready, ? I'm ready. Yeah. Hey, look, I, I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be. Okay. So here we go. This is a really, Yeah. Um, let's think about this for a second. What are the top three gambling countries in the world now? Okay. Think about gambling. Top three gambling countries. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna, Is it, are we doing per capita or are we just doing like money flowing or? No, per capita, we'll go with po. Okay. Then I would say, uh, actually America, Macau, Monaco, Australia, Singapore Island. Ah, 100% wrong. Yep. Think about the last time you went to Las Vegas, right. You know you land. Yeah. And you walk off the plane. The first thing you see is a whole bank of. Like of machines. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you call them? Slots? Uh, I think the, they're called one arm bandits. Uh, or slot or, or slot machines. And they lost their one arm. Because you can just push the button. You can just push the button though. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. And there's usually a lot of people sitting at them looking sort of half dead, you know, kind of just pushing the button over and over. Exactly. Yeah. So just, just think about this. You've got America, how many people in. Uh, 300 and something million. 20 million I think. And, and in Australia we have 25 million people, okay? Mm-hmm. . And think about those video poker machines. America must have more than Australia, right? Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. You're wrong. You're wrong. What? Yeah. Australia has more, it has more than the entire United States, so in only, despite only having 50, despite only being the 52nd largest population in the world. We have more poker machines than any other country. Okay. Okay. Okay, good. So now I gotta be honest, this is the first moment I've actually believed you when you've said this is a big problem. Because what I'm always thinking is, you know, gambling's a problem for some people, but for a lot of people it's just a casual, fun little thing. It's not like everybody's got a problem, but, okay, so here's a question. What percentage, What percentage of Australians. Um, participated in some form of gambling last year. Just a percentage. Well, okay, now that you've said what you've said, I'm gonna say 25. Yeah. Two in three. Oh. 66% of the adult austral population participated in some form of gambling. That's the bell curve. That, that it means that the normal Australian is a gambler. Yeah. So that's at 11, about 11 million people. . Um, actually a little bit more than that. Sorry. I participated in some form of going, So you think about the one arm pokies, and it'll be really clear, they are not in casinos in the mid nineties. They open the up and they actually sit in pubs. Oh, okay. So that's, that's like, uh, okay. So in Oregon we've got the lottery. Yeah. But the lottery has video poker and things like that. Right. And you'll see them. I mean, they're, they're usually in more diving bars, but they're, they're definitely around. I mean, I wouldn't say they're everywhere, but they're, they're around, They're in every bar. So the coolest bar of all the hip bars, they have an area at the back called the VIP Room. Literally it's the same branding nationally vip, same theory as casinos, dark. You lose track of time. Mm-hmm. , you're in there and lots of at, uh, lots of, uh, ATMs to get cash out and the staff at the pub have to be trained for responsible gambling. Uh, responsible gambling something. Mm-hmm. . And it's really perverse because what they do is they deliver you the drinks don't, don't move. We'll, we'll, we'll, we'll get you the drink for you. Oh, you want some lunch? I, I'll come back. . And in the most perverse case, , a staff member was fired from a pub cause she suggested to someone they might have a problem with gambling and you might wanna stop now. Oh, I thought you were gonna tell me that there's some sort of mandatory. Uh, you know, when you see somebody who's got a problem, maybe you gotta say something kind of thing. No, it's the opposite and it's a really sick, like, so it's, we're just talking about poker machines right now. So half of all the gambling is just these stupid poker machines. I haven't gotten to the apps yet, so all the apps, sports bit three, he's bit 365. So last week we had a man from America called Char O'Neil. He's a very large black. Who plays the basketball Now Sha O'Neal is on in Australia cause he's the face of one of these Australian gambling apps. Mm-hmm. and he's on television constantly on these advertisements. Now we don't watch a lot of free to at television, but if we do every third ad's, apps is Qui O'Neal and Sha O'Neal's. One of the faces of. . Wow. It's, who knows Bazaro. Um, and so, so there's a few statistics. One, a few more. And so if we think about 60% of Australians participated in some form of gambling, okay, So 11, 12, 30 million people, how many millions of people would've gambled 10% or more of their annual income each year? How many millions of people? It's a hard question. I. Well, no, it's okay. Uh, I'm gonna go with, I'm gonna say that's a, that's a little bit more off to the tail on the curve. Yeah. So let's go with, let's go with 5%. It's 10%. What? So, so think about this. If you think about like, wow, 13 million people have ever gambled 1.3 million, gamble more than 10% of their annual. And so let's, That is really fascinating. So, so let's, what's on this? So what, how many dollars would the average Americans spend a year gambling? Not a gambler, but it's how many dollars? I'm go, I, I mean, I don't know. It's hard. I know. Is it, is it, uh, No, I'm saying, do you know, Am I about to, Am I answering a question? Yes. I'm gonna go with, I'm gonna go with 1%. Oh, give me a dollar figure. Just give a dollar figure. Yeah. each year. Average Americans. Okay. They spend $400 a year. Okay. Wow. Okay. So then, um, the next, And so, so that's 400. The Irish, and remember 95% of us Irish, So there might be a Thai here. Oh, the Irish. That's interesting. Gamble more than America. But how much more do you think per person, per year? Oh, I would, I didn't know this at all. I had no idea there was a Irish. Yeah, just have a part. So Memphis 400 in terms of, uh, Yeah. Uh, let's say if we spent 400 a year on average, then they spend 600 a year on it. Perfect. Gosh. Good on you. So we've got America 400 Island at 600, I've told you. And so Australia has, is a little bigger than that. What, what do you think the average Australian spends a year on gambling? Just on gambling. This is all gambling. This is the commission. Well, I'm gonna go 700, 700, 1000, $600. Oh wow. But whole. That's, that's amazing. That's gambling. The average poker machine player. So the, of all gambling, we spend $1,600, but the average poker machine player would spend, just take a guess. Uh, I mean, I'm presuming less. um, a thousand, $2,400. Oh. So just think about this problem. You've got the average American spending $400 on all gambling, and the poker machines in Australia are purpose is 2,400. It is out of control. Um, wow. So, okay. Well, what, Do you have any sense of what's going on? Yes. I mean, the, the Irish tie is interesting, but I, I, that that's, Yeah. And so there's lots of things. One of the problems is that the government is in, on it. They deregulated gambling in the nineties, so the government takes a cut of every dollar gambled. Mm. So they're sort of screwed. They can't, So is it, is it Okay, so our, the Oregon lottery, those, those poker machines, they will say, Hey, it's okay to gamble because you're, you're funding park. You know, like the, the taxpayers won't give us money for some of these parks, so we'll, we'll do this. Or it's gonna fund education, which is really kind of sad when you think about it. Like, we need, we need, we need, we need gambling funds to fund education. It's kind of crazy. Uh, but is it the same kind of situation where it's profit? There's no, Oh, there's no social, No. But what did the, But the government doesn't have an interest in pure profit, does it? I mean, um, they take, they take a cut of the every dollar spent and they throw it back into gamble responsibly education. It's really sick. Oh, come on now. Yeah. Yeah. It's, That doesn't sound quite right. That doesn't sound quite right. Cause I'm gonna guess there's a pretty big excess, uh, that isn't going to education, right? Uh, yeah. So $20 billion a year is spent on gambling. Yeah. And 10 billion of it is on just the pokies. And just to be really clear, what happens? Cause poke is now in every pub, if you are a selling a pub and you look at the profit and loss of the pub, like, how do I value this pub? It's not the revenue on the beer and the food, it is purely Oh, the number of poker machines you have. Okay. Now hold on, let's, let's switch over to something else. You told me a long time ago that when you go to, you'll see a bunch of young men in particular lined up looking at their sports betting on their phones. And I don't know if that's a common thing in America, cuz that's not my age group. Uh, but what that, what's that all about? Is that just because they've deregulated that recently or? Okay, so be before we left for, we left to go to America in 2005, smartphones weren't really, I think we moved back in 2015, took both the kids to a cricket game. So we're sitting in the stands and there's a row of 20 year olds in front of us and they're all on their phones, like seriously glued. And we're at a live game, like the actions out there and the kids are like, Oh, what are they doing? I'm like, I dunno. And so I asked them, and it's so sophisticated, it's. It's real time gambling, so it's as if you are watching, um, a baseball game. You could, you could bet right then if the next ball is gonna be a strike on. Oh, . It is brutal. Good. It is brutal. Oh wow. Okay. And so, yeah, so I mean, I'll, let me just do a counterpoint here. I mean, I could see that being kind of fun if you were gambling pennies. Right. Okay. Because it. You're goofing around, you're playing a game, you're, you're enhancing the game that you're watching. Mm-hmm. . But what I'm getting from you is that people are dumping, uh, maybe more than their disposable income. Is that a fair assessment? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. So, so what's interesting is, um, it's quite sad, um, um, if you think about all forms of gambling. Um, actually I'll say something a little different. Um, older Australians gamble more than younger. Um, so really 60, 63% of the adult population gamble, but only 44% of 18 to 24 year olds do. So 44% of 18 to 24 year olds gamble. Wow. Which is amazing. And that's the other great statistic. Australia is home to 18. Of all poker machines on planet Earth despite making up to just 0.3% of the global population . Okay. So, alright. Alright, well one final thought on this. Yeah. It, it, what if you a, I mean we, we need to ask some PhD somewhere like what the hell's going on? Because like, why, why in Australia are people so much more risk? Crazy. Yes. Or gambling crazy. So they say there's a few theories. One is, um, back in colonial days, You know, you've just survived a ship from England to Australia and there was a, there's a big sense of risk reward. Mm-hmm. and having, you know, just mentally. Yeah. When, when we, we are Veterans Day. It's called Anzac Day, Australia, New Zealand Army. Call Anzac Day is the day we remember the people who've fought for us. Mm-hmm. . There's a gambling game called two up, and it's a piece of wood with two coins on it, and you throw it up and you've gotta call outta heads or tails. Heads, tails. Or two tails or two, Yeah. Or head. Two heads, two tails or, And they played that game tour up during the war, and they'd do it every, every year. And that's a public holiday here. And my 16 year old, 15 year old son was at. Some event and got completely addicted to two up for like three hours and he made $5 turn into 85. And he came home and goes, It's amazing. And I'm like, No, it's not amazing. . Oh, everybody says that when they have a good role at the crash table. And that's the thing. And so yeah, it's very quiet. No one classic gambling thing is. You always talk about your wins, not your losses, right? Um, the loss rate is gigantic and Australians are biggest, bigger losers. The mean amount loss per year per gambler is $3,300. Australians lose three times more than New Zealand, four times more than Canadians, six times more than the Irish, seven times all in the British, and nine times more than Americans. So that's extraordinary. That is, Well, you know, That is amazing. And I will say, now I will give it to you. That is, that is significant. Like, anyway. Okay. Real quick question though. New Zealanders, same, Different? No, it's that same thing. They're not deregulated like Australia. Just loose in the nineties, the government said not only are we gonna let rip here, but the, the government will take a cut to, you know, make sure no one goes crazy. But just a few final thoughts. The tide. Mental health is massive, so suicide rates are connected to gambling. Oh. Um, the other interesting thing, well it makes sense. It's, it's the addiction is a mental health issue, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes sense. And the one thing that they did inadvertently that reduced the gambling rate is no, no smoking in pubs. Oh, it's an interesting behavioral. Isn't that fact, Right? Cause they're both, Both. Cause you're, you're, you're um, you're doing your addictive things together, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. Right? Well, okay, so, alright. Now let me, let me flip this around to, uh, one of America's massive problems. That is also really unusual because the only places that we can kind of earmark with other people that have a lot of guns are really. Switzerland who has guaranteed everybody's gotta be in the military basically. And everybody keeps their service rifle and ev, But the difference is because they're, they're all inherently trained. They all know how to shoot their guns and they all know about gun safety, whereas, Here in America, you can just get a gun. Uh, and you don't necessarily have to take a test or anything like that. There's background checks, but, um, those, that's, well, there's a lot to unpack there. And then there's, uh, Israel of course, which is a kind of a similar deal. Yeah. Uh, where everybody's gonna be in the military at some point everybody's going to learn how to use against, so it's a little bit different. Mm-hmm. , uh, but. Yeah. But just really quickly though, if you're Israel or Switzerland, you'd have like one gun per person, roughly of less. Everyone's an well, yeah. This where we're going. The thing is, Yeah. Well, and here's the other thing. There's just not that many people in Switzerland, right? Yeah. I mean, uh, or Israel. Uh, what we've got here, um, well, so I, I tapped into some pretty good sources, like the pure Research Center here. So I've got some stuff, pretty, pretty, uh, basically up to 2020 statistics. Mm-hmm. , Here's how it goes. How many people in the United States died from gun related injuries in 2020? Oh gosh. How many people die in America? Full stop. I have no idea. It's 320. 20. Oh God. Three. Three point. I just think it's three. 300 million. 320 million people. How many people died from gun related injuries? Uh, 5,000. 10 thou. A 5,000? I have no idea. I'm terrible at these things. 5,000? 45,000. Jesus. Really? . Yeah. Fuck. It's basically like a, a mid-size town all just shooting each other one day. Um, so it, it is, it's, it's interesting. I wonder how often people have to confront this. It's kind of deaf. And by the way, this is, this is only funny in sort of a gallows humor sort of, Right? So we're laughing about it because it's so absolutely mind blowing, which is the way we do a lot of things on this program. So get this. How many of the, and this is actually, we're going down the darker, this is the darker path here. How many, what percentage of those deaths were suicides? Oh wow. Wow. 15%. One 5%, 54%. Is that right? So it's a mental health thing. Oh, it's an availability. Yeah. And then a mental health thing. Yeah. Yeah. You had a bad day. There's a gun . Well, that's interesting. I'm presuming it's worse than that, but it, it's, it's terrible. Right? I mean, the, unfortunately, the thing about, you know, we could speculate wildly on this at any of these moment, but it, Yeah, I, it is interesting how in America there is very much this sense of we're all competing in the game of life, you know? And people are seen as winners or losers. And at some point, if you've made too many bad decisions, it starts looking like you can't turn it around. Yeah. And I mean, that's, that's the story of a lot of suicides. It's, it's pretty sad. Yeah. Okay, so what share of all murders and suicides in the US involve a gun? It's gotta be high, right? Like there's guns everywhere, they're unlocked. You don't need any less, you don't need any background checks. You need a little bit. What percentage of all sorry, murders. Yeah. What share of all murders and suicides in the US involve a gun? 80%. Yep. Really 79%. So I'm sure that's within the, the range of error. Yeah. And you said something about there's no background checks. It's not that there's no bounce background checks. It's that there's these um, there's these workarounds and I, I'm not up to date entirely with my legislation cuz they're different by states. But in some states in particular, you can go to a gun show and avoid the background check. That may not be true anymore, but it was true for a long time. Yeah. And just to be clear, America really isn't a country, no offense, it's 50 plus countries, right? Is that some, I think that's fair to say. I mean, we're, we're one of the countries that was created, the federal government was created by the States. The states had their own, as we talked about on this show before states had their own money before the Constitution existed. Right. And, and you, I think you told me one time there was a similar story in Australia. The, the states had different rail . It's like literally, Yeah. And it's still said today. I was in a board meeting the other day going, We have a gauge problem. And I'm like, Oh, that's so funny. So seven states, seven different gauges. It's just, Come on people. , come on, people get it together. All right. Couple more here. Yeah. What, what states have the most. gun related deaths. The three Texas, three of them. Texas, Alabama, Rhode Island, . Oh, okay. The Rhode Island's a bit of a curve. No, I'm sorry. No. Texas a is that wrong? Missouri? You would think it's Texas, but uh, it's, it's adjusted per 100,000 people, so. Right. It's a, it's per cap, so per capita, New Louisiana. Ooh, Mississippi. Yeah. And Wyoming. Oh, Wyoming. Oh, Small state. Small state. Well, Big State was very many people in it. Yeah. Not very many people in it. It's a lots of land. Um, McCleon Encounters are the third kind. Devil's tower. Ba ba ba bos. Such a idiot. I know. Okay. Uh, I'm just gonna finish, uh, on the most depressing, uh, statistic cuz that's, that's how we roll on this show you. Yeah. How many active shooter incidents were there in 20 2500. Oh, that's interesting. So the active shooter incidents are defined by the FBI is one or more individuals actively engaging in killing, or attempting to kill people. Okay. I area, so it's. There's 40 moments where somebody walks into a, an area and just starts shooting people, basically. And so that's where you have training. If you're a little kindergarten kid, you're like, Okay, today's active shooter training day. Here's what, here's what happens when the bad man comes. Yeah. It's uh, and here's what's interesting. If you go back to 2000, there's three, uh, 2001, there's 10, 2002, there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. All right, so in, but by by 2010 there's 27. By 2018 there's 31, and in 2020 there's 40. There's never been anything like that. That is amazing. I mean, you could do an entire conversation on what the heck, what, why is the direction. going that way. I mean, it's, it's because, I mean, the guns, let's be honest, there's been a lot of guns in America for a really long time, right? Mm-hmm. , it's not like, I mean, there's something else going on. It's sure there's availability. Mm-hmm. , but there's, there's, I mean, Why is, is it the internet? Right? I mean like, cuz now if I'm a troubled person, I can see that other people are doing this and it gives me the idea to do it maybe. Mm-hmm. Because certainly for years there's been the problem of. Murders going up when other murders occur and they get publicity like before the internet. Yeah. That was a problem. Yeah. Like, yeah. It's like, you know what, uh, suicide too. So like there's a suicide in the news and somebody's like, You know what, I'm gonna join them cause that guy's got more guts than me, so I'm gonna go do it. Yeah. And so, and you know, now all you gotta do is turn on anything and you can see everybody else's. Wonderful. Perfect. Right. Yeah. So apparently there was a big problem in the fifties when people who were really poor made enough money to buy TVs and they watch TV and they would see like the I Love Lucy show. And they would see their place and they'd be like, Holy crap. People live like that. Yeah. You know, I don't like that. I live like, And then people would start to feel bad about themselves, you know? That's so interesting. So what can be done about it? I. Is there's been legis. I mean, the hopes and prayers is just terrible politically. Like is it, Is it really because the NRA owns Washington, so nothing will ever happen. I think that's the current consensus is that, you know, I've heard some really great ideas that just keep getting shot down. And I, what's really interesting, of course, is that the American people, um, it's not a close call. Most people would like to see some form of gun restriction, and they would also like to see better mental health care because you kind of need both, right? Um, the, the, the irritating. binary thing that happens in, in America, at least, I don't know if this happens in Australia, is whatever political interest decides to make it a black or white issue. So they're like, You know, guns don't kill people. People kill people. And then the other side will be like, So they'll say it's exclusively a mental health problem. Yeah. And then the, you know, the other side will, It, it's exclusively a gun problem, you know, if we just got rid of all the guns, and of course that's irritating too, because you're like, Okay, well, in America, the Second Amendment ain't going away. Yeah. It, it, you're, I have thought though, like if I made a petition, I would say, Hmm, you know what? Couldn't we do it so that we, like everybody can, I mean, this is comedy, right? But like, maybe it's half right. What if we could just, you're entitled to a gun, so here's your, your Darren. You know? Yeah. And, and, and if you'd like to upgrade, well, you'll have to take a test, you know? Yeah. Like you, you'll have to take, you'll have to prove to me that there's a reason why you need a bigger gun. Yeah. And when you're, And it, and when you get to the point where it's like, Okay, I'm a hunter, so I need this massive gun. Okay, fine. Take the test, show us you can, You can use this big gun. Mm-hmm. There's nothing in the constitution that says you get to. You know, clips that are 500, Yeah. Clips long. That's an interpretation by the Supreme Court over the years. Yeah. That kind of thing. And you know, people have their opinions about that, but I've always thought there's gotta be some way that you can keep the entitlement piece together. Yeah. Because that's not gonna change. Yeah. But also like, make it reasonable. I I, there's, there's probably some people who do need a bunch of guns and who do need a bunch of ammo. Maybe they're, maybe they're in charge of teaching other people how to use guns or, you know, whatever. Maybe they do wildlife, safari, whatever. The point is, It's just in the crazy thing that we've got now. There are people who are just anti-gun period. Hmm. And there's people who are pro-gun. And that's it. , you're either, you're either in my tribe or you're in the other guy's tribe. You know, It's not nuanced, is it? No. And it's funny because when we lived in America, it was the topic that sent people insane. Mm-hmm. , like people that we didn't expect to go insane went Oh yeah. Insane. And by the way, people have gotten very smart at weaponizing this in. And even I've kind of sat back and gone, Wow, that's pretty darn smart. In a diabolical sense, like for example, uh, every time we've got a left winging president, mm, The, the, the machine starts, which is, uh, somebody comes up and starts doing these ads that I'm, that are paid for by people who have, who, who manufacture guns and, and the nra et cetera. And they'll be like, you know, uh, you know that president's gonna take away your guns, take your guns better, get down and get some ammo before it's all gone. And, and it. Hmm. And actually some of the people who are the happiest about this I've learned are people who work for like the national parks and things like that because they get funding. From some of that. And so when, when I don't, and I don't know entirely how that works, but, but there is a bunch of things that get funded from taxes on arms and things like that. So it's, it's a wild, wild world. So it's almost like in Australia, if the government tempted to take away our hokey machines, there'd be an uprising. We'd go to America. Yes. Get the guns come. . Yeah. Actually, you're right. I, I, I think, I think that you have found the parallel between our two countries. Yeah. They're both, they're both things where nobody just wants to say, I just like it. Yeah. I, nobody wants to be honest and you just say you can't take away things that I like. It's not like, so people have to do all this stuff where they're like, It's very important for me to have. Um, send back AR 15 with this enormous like, and it's like, like, dude, just be honest. That's, that's probably really fun for you to go shoot on the weekend. Like, like that's that's why you like it. Yeah. Just say that, you know, Or the same thing with gambling, right? People like, No, I don't, I only gamble on the weekends. It's like, okay, so I'm in there on Tuesday night. I mean, I'm sure that happens. Okay. Do we solve it? Do we, I think we're done. I think we've perfected, we, we've established brilliant legislation. Both, both, both countries. I think we've killed it. Okay. Here's one thing we could do. We could, we could keep on the shelf, like if anybody has like root cause analysis of any of this stuff that's beyond what we've talked about, which is inevitable. Yeah, we could, We could always bring 'em on. We could just have, we could have a five minute segment of brilliance. Like we could just float them in. Oh, that's good. And say what minutes don't you think that would meet with modern attention spans? Like, Hey, we need to take a little commercial break here so that we can have this famous PhD guy come in and explain to us why Australians gamble. Like, like crazy people. Yeah. Oh man. No, I. Good talking with you Jason. Thanks so much. See you next week buddy. Thanks. See you. Right. Bye.

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